Pterygium – Surgical Approach

Recurrence is your worst enemy. Here, a surgeon discusses ways to avoid it and what to do if the pterygium comes back.

It’s best to approach pterygium surgery with the goal of reducing the chances of recurrence at all costs. While most pterygia are asymptomatic and regarded as garden variety lesions, they become serious problems if they recur after removal. These cases most certainly warrant a subspecialist evaluation. In this article, I’ll discuss some surgical approaches to pterygium, with particular emphasis on recurrent pterygium. 

At the Outset

When a patient presents with a pterygium, the first thing to decide is whether it’s necessary to do anything at all. Many patients have only mild complaints related to dryness or irritation, and are often best observed or managed medically. Lubrication or topical NSAIDs may help relieve ocular inflammation and reduce the pterygium’s appearance. Protecting the face and eyes from excessive UV exposure may also help, as pterygium is more prevalent in regions that receive strong ultraviolet radiation.

Only a small percentage of pterygium cases warrants surgical excision. Indications for surgery include obstruction of the visual axis, pterygium-induced irregular astigmatism, chronic eye irritation and cosmetic dissatisfaction. 

If you do decide to surgically remove the pterygium, your next decision will be to determine how extensive a procedure is required. One day postoperatively, no matter which method you used to remove the pterygium, it’s going to be gone. The question is: Is it going to come back? You want to do everything you can to make sure the answer is “no.”

Surgical Strategy

There are many different ways to do a basic pterygium removal, and potentially hundreds of modifications of the surgical technique. The most common method of simple excision takes about five minutes but is associated with a much higher relative risk of the pterygium recurring. For this technique, you simply pry the scar tissue off the cornea and snip it off. It’s effective for about 90 percent of cases, but that means you can expect approximately 10 percent of cases to recur (often with a vengeance). 

As a medical adjuvant to the simple snip excision, one might also consider the adjunctive use of antimetabolites such as mitomycin-C on the surgical site. This isn’t something that I usually do however, because mitomycin carries the risk of scleral melting. If you’re concerned enough to pour chemotherapy on the surface of the eye to prevent the pterygium from coming back, then, rather than using the mitomycin technique, the optimal thing to do would be to try the PERFECT technique (explained in detail below).

Pterygium Excision

We often use a nerve blocker for pterygium excision. Retrobulbar anesthesia is typically most comfortable for the patient because it provides good levels of pain control during the procedure. Take care not to damage the underlying corneal tissue or remove stroma when prying the pterygium off the surface of the eye. 

First, make an incision at the limbus where the pterygium begins to encroach over the cornea. Cut it free and peel it from the corneal surface using blunt dissection. Once the pterygium’s been removed, we often polish the cornea with a diamond burr. When the cornea has been repaired, we turn our attention to the sclera and conjunctiva.

Dissect the conjunctiva free from Tenon’s capsule. Remove all of Tenon’s capsule where the pterygium was.

Once you remove the scar tissue from the nasal aspect of the cornea and globe, you must then decide what to put in the gap where the scar tissue used to be. You have a few options:

Option 1: Do nothing. You can just leave it bare and it’ll re-epithelialize on its own. This has the highest risk of recurrence and induces the most patient discomfort, but it can be done.

Option 2: Cover the area with a biological material. Amniotic membrane, which can be placed and glued or sutured over the area of the defect, is a very effective method. We prefer to use glue, since it’s fast and simple. Amniotic membrane makes patients more comfortable and contributes to the healing of the tissue. However, it’s not quite as effective in discouraging recurrence as the third option. 

Option 3: Rotational conjunctival autograft. This method might not be necessary in every case, but it’s the least likely to lead to recurrence. It’s also the technique I perform most often. 

To perform a rotational conjunctival autograft, first measure the conjunctival epithelial defect and how much bare sclera you need to cover. Then, harvest the conjunctiva approximately 90 degrees or 3 to 4 clock hours away from the resected site, usually in the superior globe, with Wescott scissors. Dissect the conjunctiva free from the underlying Tenon’s capsule to an extent that matches the surface area of the pterygium. Create a pedicle flap and rotate it down to cover the area. Glue or suture the flap to the bed with 8-0 vicryl. If using glue, aim for as little glue as possible. Postoperatively, prescribe topical antibiotic drops such as fluoroquinolone q.i.d. for a week, and a steroid drop such as prednisolone acetate q.i.d., tapered over one to three months. 

In terms of graft stability, gluing and suturing will give you the most peace of mind. A third technique, autologous in situ blood coagulum, will also work if you don’t have access to glue and you do have an extra 10 minutes to hold pressure on the site. The patient’s natural bleeding in the area will coagulate and anchor the amniotic membrane; however, you can’t be as sure as with glue or suture that the tissue will still be adherent after a day or a week. Besides, glue and suture are expensive, but the most expensive thing of all is time in the operating room—holding tissue down with your fingers for 10 minutes is quite expensive.

Recurrence (discussed below) is the most serious postop complication of pterygium excision. Additionally, you have to be concerned about scarring. When you’re cutting on the eye you’re generating scar tissue, so you need to be careful that you don’t end up with a tangled, fibrous mess. This is entirely possible, especially with multiple surgeries.   

Other complications you may encounter include scleral melt due to the use of mitomycin-C; fibrosis, especially around the extraocular muscle in that location; infection, which is rare; and ocular surface discomfort, which can last for weeks or even months. Typically, the steroids help ease discomfort, but we also encourage the use of lubricant drops. Keep these complications in mind when forming your surgical strategy.


Young people are generally at increased risk for recurrence, as are African Americans and Hispanics of all ages, who tend to have more inflammatory phenotypes. Additionally, patients with double pterygia (on both the nasal and temporal aspects of the cornea) and bilateral double pterygia are at extremely high risk for recurrence. In these patients, you need to take every possible precaution and be very careful if you do any surgery on them.

It’s critical that these patients be watched carefully for recurrence. If you notice the area you’ve resected is starting to grow back, usually at a millimeter-by-millimeter pace, begin aggressive topical steroids immediately, since you want to do everything in your power to avoid a second surgery. If the eye is red and inflamed, that’s the time for drops, not surgery. 

However, if you lose the battle—whether you’re inattentive, or the patient comes back years later, or was referred elsewhere and upon their return to you, the pterygium is growing over the visual axis—then it’s time to consider reoperating. 

In the event that the pterygium recurs, I recommend trying the PERFECT technique. This technique, which stands for Pterygium Extended Removal Followed by Extended Conjunctival Transplant, was pioneered by Australian ophthalmologist Lawrence Hirst, MBBS, MD, MPH, who runs The Australian Pterygium Centre. It has by far the lowest risk of recurrence, at just 0.1 percent (Figure 1). This method involves extensive removal of Tenon’s capsule from the area of the pterygium and surrounding areas and is meant to be used on patients who have recurrent pterygium after previous surgical removal. This procedure has very good cosmetic outcomes, with most patients reporting being unable to tell which eye had surgery.  

The PERFECT technique for pterygium consists of three components that each take about 15 to 20 minutes to perform. Following are the steps of the technique as described by Prof. Hirst in a video of the procedure.

First, mark and transect the pterygium. Strip it from the corneal surface. Try to avoid having any residual pterygium tissue. Next, separate Tenon’s layer from the overlying conjunctiva and sclera, almost to the superior and inferior rectus muscles, and over the medial rectus muscle back to the caruncle (Figure 2). Adequate removal will result in visible bare sclera above and below the medial rectus muscle.

For the extended conjunctival transplant, mark the donor graft starting at the superior bulbar conjunctiva (Figure 3). The mark should extend almost to the superior fornix, and about 1 to 2 mm short of the limbus, and nasally, almost to the pterygium excision site. Leave a 5- to 7-mm bridge of conjunctiva and Tenon’s layer. At the donor site, the conjunctiva to be grafted should be separated from Tenon’s. A successful autograft should be virtually transparent, without any Tenon’s layer carried over with the graft. This helps to ensure that the donor site will heal with minimal-to-no scarring. The conjunctival graft is then transferred to the site of the former pterygium and sutured into place (Figure 4). To view a video of this technique, visit

While it has the best success rate for preventing recurrence, by a wide margin, PERFECT is a long procedure—taking an hour to two hours of operating time, depending on your experience and skill level. However, I believe that anyone who’s had a pterygium recurrence needs to undergo this technique, as opposed to the standard “rip and clip.”

Ultimately, a pterygium isn’t something you want to keep hacking off over and over again. If it recurs early on, and you don’t feel comfortable doing the very refined PERFECT surgery yourself, it’s a good idea to refer the patient to a specialist. REVIEW

Russian Covid-19 Vaccine very effective – British Medical Journal

According to RT Respected British medical journal The Lancet publishes study showing Russia’s ‘Sputnik V’ Covid-19 vaccine to be 100% effective

Respected British medical journal The Lancet publishes study showing Russia’s ‘Sputnik V’ Covid-19 vaccine to be 100% effective

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The world’s first registered Covid-19 vaccine successfully produced antibodies in all 76 participants in early-stage trials, according to a study published in The Lancet, one of the oldest and best-respected medical journals.

The trials of ‘Sputnik V,’ funded by the Russian Ministry of Health, discovered that every single patient who received the vaccine developed antibodies, and none showed any significant side effects.

On August 11, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the country had registered the world’s first Covid-19 vaccine. Developed by Moscow’s Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, the formula will first be distributed to teachers and medical workers before being made available to the general public next year.

Following its registration, scientists and epidemiologists worldwide criticized Russia for the vaccine’s rapid development, questioning its safety due to the small number of trial subjects. Although the testing was successful, longer-term trials, including a placebo comparison, are required to establish its actual quality, according to The Lancet.

However, according to the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), the scientific data provided in the article proves the “safety and effectiveness of the Russian vaccine.”

Explaining why it took a month to publish the results, Gamaleya Institute head, Alexander Gintsburg, told Russian news agency Interfax that it took a long time to prepare, and the article was evaluated by five independent reviewers, following all standard international peer-review conventions.

“The scientific community has assessed it quite objectively,” he explained

Despite its well-earned reputation, The Lancet has not been immune from controversy. Earlier this year, the journal published a study refuting the effectiveness of malaria drug hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19, but it was later withdrawn due to multiple errors.

Russia is not the only country racing to develop an effective vaccine against coronavirus. In July, a coronavirus vaccine developed by the University of Oxford was reported as creating immunity in a trial of 1,077 people. Earlier that month, UK security minister James Brokenshire claimed that Russian hackers had attacked British labs to steal vaccine research data.

Ten best foods for good eye health – Eye clinic near Ojodu Berger

Organizations such as the American Optometric Association (AOA) and the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) continue to recommend nutrients for eye health based on the AREDS reports.

The AREDS reports support the following 10 nutrient-rich foods:

1. Fish

close up of females brown eyes
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help to lower the risk of eye problems.

Many fishes are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Oily fish are fish that have oil in their gut and body tissue, so eating them offers higher levels of omega-3-rich fish oil. The fish that contains the most beneficial levels of omega-3s include:

  • tuna
  • salmon
  • trout
  • mackerel
  • sardines
  • anchovies
  • herring

Some studies have found that fish oil can reverse dry eye, including dry eye caused by spending too much time on a computer

2. Nuts and legumes

Nuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts also contain a high level of vitamin E, which can protect the eye from age-related damage.

Nuts are available for purchase in most grocery stores and online. Nuts and legumes that are good for eye health include:

3. Seeds

Like nuts and legumes, seeds are high in omega-3s and are a rich source of vitamin E.

Seeds are available for purchase in most grocery stores and online. Seeds high in omega-3 include:

4. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. Just like vitamin E, vitamin C is an antioxidant that is recommended by the AOA to fight age-related eye damage.

Vitamin C-rich citrus fruits include:

  • lemons
  • oranges
  • grapefruits

5. Leafy green vegetables

Leafy green vegetables are rich in both lutein and zeaxanthin and are also a good source of eye-friendly vitamin C.

Well-known leafy greens include:

  • spinach
  • kale
  • collards

6. Carrots

Carrots are rich in both Vitamin A and beta carotene. Beta carotene gives carrots their orange color.

Vitamin A plays an essential role in vision. It is a component of a protein called rhodopsin, which helps the retina to absorb light.

Research on beta carotene’s role in vision is mixed, though the body needs this nutrient to make vitamin A.

7. Sweet potatoes

Like carrots, sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene. They are also a good source of the antioxidant vitamin E.

8. Beef

Beef is rich in zinc, which has been linked to better long-term eye health. Zinc can help delay age-related sight loss and macular degeneration.

The eye itself contains high levels of zinc, particularly in the retina, and the vascular tissue surrounding the retina.

Meats such as chicken breast and pork loin also contain zinc, but at lower levels than beef.

9. Eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of lutein and zeaxanthin, which can reduce the risk of age-related sight loss. Eggs are also good sources of vitamins C and E, and zinc.

10. Water

It may come as no surprise that a fluid essential to life is also vital to eye health.

Drinking plenty of water can prevent dehydration, which may reduce the symptoms of dry eyes.

Recommended daily intake

The current daily recommendations for healthy eye nutrients, as suggested by the AAO to slow the progression of eye disease, are:

  • 500 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C
  • 400 international units of vitamin E
  • 10 mg lutein
  • 2 mg zeaxanthin
  • 80 mg of zinc oxide
  • 2 mg of copper oxide
Other eye health tips
young woman putting in contact lenseShare on Pinterest
Wearers of contact lenses should follow their doctors’ instructions to reduce the risk of infection.

According to the AAO, the following strategies can help to ensure healthy eyes:

  • wearing sunglasses outside, since excessive sun exposure can cause cataracts. A range of sunglasses is available for purchase online.
  • stopping smoking
  • getting regular eye exams, particularly if there is a family history of eye disease
  • wearing eye protection when working with possible eye irritants or dangerous chemicals
  • washing hands before applying contacts
  • wearing contacts only for the period recommended by the doctor or manufacturer
  • protecting eyes from computer-related eye strain by looking away every 20 minutes at something 20 feet away, for 20 seconds

Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness. People with diabetes should carefully monitor blood sugar levels, take medications exactly as prescribed by their doctor, and manage carbohydrate intake while focusing on eating low-moderate glycemic index (GI) foods.

Early treatment for eye health problems can prevent them from getting worse. So people who notice changes in their vision should schedule a comprehensive eye exam with an optometrist or ophthalmologist.