Greetings from Eyeupdate Eye clinic & optical supplies.
This page is all about eye care services for Arifanla residents in Akute.
If you have any issues with your eyes, worry no more. Simply contact us at Eyeupdate Eye clinic by filling the form below. You can also call us via 08034971582 or 08107531046 for eyecare advice. Our well equipt eye clinic is located at 01 Ajuwon junction, Ajuwon bus stop near Grail-land Estate gate, Ajuwon
When to see an Eye-Doctor
1, You always have a headache
2, Your eye is infected
3, There are bright flashes or floaters
4, There is eye pain
5, You have been squinting
6, You have diabetes or it is in the family
7, You have hypertension or it is in the family
8, Excessive light sensitivity
9, Your eyes are always red
10, You spend so much time on computer or phone-screen
11, If you have never had your eyes examined before.