List of Local Government Areas in Ogun state

Local Government Areas:
Abeokuta North/South L.G.A
Abeokuta North/South L.G.A
Ado-Odo/Otta L.G.A
Egbado North L.G A
Egbado South L.G A
Ewekoro L.G.A
Ifo L.G.A
Ijebu East L.G.A
Ijebu North East L.G.A
Ijebu North L.G.A
Ijebu Ode
Ijebu Ode L.G.A
Ikenne L.G.A
Imeko-Afon L.G.A
Ipokia L.G A
List of Towns and Villages in Ogun State
Obafemi/owode L.G.A
Odeda L.G.A
Odogbolu L.G.A
Ogun Waterside L.G.A
Remo North L.G.A
Sagamu L.G.A
Sango Ota
Buy infrared thermometer in Alagbole Akute Ajuwon Matogun

Buy advanced 3 in 1 infrared thermometer at Eyeupdate clinic & optical supplies located at 01, Ajuwon junction beside M.R. S. Filing station, Ajuwon.

As at the time of filling this report, there has been partial easing of the covid 19 lockdown in Lagos and Ogun states, and individuals, companies, schools and religious centres have been advised to acquire infrared thermometer. The thermometer is used to determine the temperature of people to know whether their health status is safe.

Residents of Ogun state and Lagos state can buy it at the cost of N45, 000. The thermometer is said to be non contact and takes reading within one second.

The full description/specification of the infrared thermometer is stated below:

Fast measurement (1 second)
Fever warning
Measurement range: 32. 0°C – 42. 2°C
Memory recall: 32 readings
Automatic shutdown: 60s
Error Resolution: 0.1°C
Can measure body temperature on human forehead
Can measure body temperature on the wrist
Can measure human temperature on the ear

Manufacturer : Alicn Medical Inc

Price: N45, 000
Tel: 08107531046
Address : Eyeupdate clinic & optical supplies,
01, Ajuwon junction, Ajuwon bus stop, off Elliott bus stop, Iju-Ishagah (beside BPNL Filling station, Ajuwon)



Newly registered patients and residents of Ajuwon, Akute, Alagbole and environs can get free reading glasses every year at Eyeupdate clinic & optical supplies located at 01, Ajuwon junction, Ajuwon bus stop, beside BNPL Filling station.

Information reaching our news room says the free reading glasses initiative is funded as at present solely by Dr. Steven E. N. as part of the “PREVENT BLINDNESS” program. The prevent blindness program is aimed at reducing the preventable causes of blindness in Nigeria.  There is expectation that the gesture will include free eye surgeries in the future. Philanthropists and well meaning individuals and companies are welcomed to become part of this program.

Philanthropists, individuals or companies who may wish to support this initiative can make their donations into the below account :

Bank: Zenith bank
Account number: 1012494861
Account name: Eyeupdate clinic and optical supplies
Contact person : Steven Nwosu
Tel: +2347038125887


Western Union money transfer
Name: Steven Nwosu
Address: 01, Ajuwon junction, Lagos – Nigeria

List of Donors and Amount:


Glaucoma is a condition that damages your eye‘s optic nerve. It gets worse over time. It’s often linked to a buildup of pressure inside your eyeGlaucoma tends to run in families. You usually don’t get it until later in life.

The increased pressure in your eye, called intraocular pressure, can damage your optic nerve, which sends images to your brain. If the damage worsens, glaucoma can cause permanent vision loss or even total blindness within a few years.

Most people with glaucoma have no early symptoms or pain. Visit your eye doctor regularly so they can diagnose and treat glaucoma before you have long-term vision loss.

If you lose vision, it can’t be brought back. But lowering eye pressure can help you keep the sight you have. Most people with glaucoma who follow their treatment plan and have regular eye exams are able to keep their vision.

Glaucoma Causes

The fluid inside your eye, called aqueous humor, usually flows out of your eye through a mesh-like channel. If this channel gets blocked, the liquid builds up. Sometimes, experts don’t know what causes this blockage. But it can be inherited, meaning it’s passed from parents to children.

Less-common causes of glaucoma include a blunt or chemical injury to your eye, severe eye infection, blocked blood vessels inside your eye, and inflammatory conditions. It’s rare, but eye surgery to correct another condition can sometimes bring it on. It usually affects both eyes, but it may be worse in one than the other.


Glaucoma Risk Factors

It mostly affects adults over 40, but young adults, children, and even infants can have it. African Americans tend to get it more often, when they’re younger, and with more vision loss.

You’re more likely to get it if you:

  • Are of African American, Irish, Russian, Japanese, Hispanic, Inuit, or Scandinavian descent
  • Are over 40
  • Have a family history of glaucoma
  • Have poor vision
  • Have diabetes
  • Take certain steroid medications such as prednisone
  • Have had an injury to your eye or eyes
  • Have corneas that are thinner than usual
  • Have high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, or sickle cell anemia
  • Have high eye pressure
  • Are nearsighted or farsighted

Types of Glaucoma

There are two main kinds:

Open-angle glaucoma. This is the most common type. Your doctor may also call it wide-angle glaucoma. The drain structure in your eye (called the trabecular meshwork) looks fine, but fluid doesn’t flow out like it should.

Angle-closure glaucoma. This is more common in Asia. You may also hear it called acute or chronic angle-closure or narrow-angle glaucoma. Your eye doesn’t drain like it should because the drain space between your iris and cornea becomes too narrow. This can cause a sudden buildup of pressure in your eye. It’s also linked to farsightedness and cataracts, a clouding of the lens inside your eye.


Less common types of glaucoma include:

Secondary glaucoma. This is when another condition, like cataracts or diabetes, causes added pressure in your eye.

Normal-tension glaucoma. This is when you have blind spots in your vision or your optic nerve is damaged even though your eye pressure is within the average range. Some experts say it’s a form of open-angle glaucoma.

Pigmentary glaucoma. With this form, tiny bits of pigment from your iris, the colored part of your eye, get into the fluid inside your eye and clog the drainage canals.

Glaucoma Symptoms

Most people with open-angle glaucoma don’t have symptoms. If symptoms do develop, it’s usually late in the disease. That’s why glaucoma is often called the “sneak thief of vision.” The main sign is usually a loss of side, or peripheral, vision.

Symptoms of angle-closure glaucoma usually come on faster and are more obvious. Damage can happen quickly. If you have any of these symptoms, get medical care right away:

  • Seeing halos around lights
  • Vision loss
  • Redness in your eye
  • Eye that looks hazy (particularly in infants)
  • Upset stomach or vomiting
  • Eye pain


Glaucoma Diagnosis

Glaucoma tests are painless and don’t take long. Your eye doctor will test your vision. They’ll use drops to widen (dilate) your pupils and examine your eyes.

They’ll check your optic nerve for signs of glaucoma. They may take photographs so they can spot changes at your next visit. They’ll do a test called tonometry to check your eye pressure. They may also do a visual field test to see if you’ve lost peripheral vision.

Glaucoma Treatment

Your doctor may use prescription eye drops, oral medications, laser surgery, or microsurgery to lower pressure in your eye.

Eye drops. These either lower the creation of fluid in your eye or increase its flow out, lowering eye pressure. Side effects include allergies, redness, stinging, blurred vision, and irritated eyes. Some glaucoma drugs may affect your heart and lungs. Be sure to tell your doctor about any other medications you’re taking or are allergic to.

Oral medication. Your doctor might also prescribe medication for you to take by mouth, such as a beta-blocker or a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. These drugs can improve drainage or slow the creation of fluid in your eye.


Laser surgery. This procedure can slightly raise the flow of fluid from your eye if you have open-angle glaucoma. It can stop fluid blockage if you have angle-closure glaucoma. Procedures include:

  • Trabeculoplasty. This opens the drainage area.
  • Iridotomy. This makes a tiny hole in your iris to let fluid flow more freely.
  • Cyclophotocoagulation. This treats areas of the middle layer of your eye to lower fluid production.

Microsurgery. In a procedure called a trabeculectomy, your doctor creates a new channel to drain the fluid and ease eye pressure. This form of surgery may need to be done more than once. Your doctor might implant a tube to help drain fluid. This surgery can cause temporary or permanent vision loss, as well as bleeding or infection.

Open-angle glaucoma is most often treated with combinations of eye drops, laser trabeculoplasty, and microsurgery. Doctors tend to start with medications, but early laser surgery or microsurgery could work better for some people.

Infant or congenital glaucoma — meaning you are born with it — is usually treated with surgery because the cause is a problem with your drainage system.


Glaucoma Prevention

You can’t prevent glaucoma. But if you find it early, you can lower your risk of eye damage. These steps may help protect your vision:

  • Have regular eye exams. The sooner your doctor spots the signs of glaucoma, the sooner you can start treatment. If you’re over age 40 and have a family history of the disease, get a complete eye exam from an eye doctor every 1 to 2 years. If you have health problems like diabetes or are at risk of other eye diseases, you may need to go more often.
  • Learn your family history. Ask your relatives whether any of them have been diagnosed with glaucoma.
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions. If they find that you have high eye pressure, they might give you eye drops to prevent glaucoma.
  • Exercise. Moderate activity like walking or jogging at least three times a week might help lower eye pressure.
  • Protect your eyes. Use protective eyewear when playing sports or working on home improvement projects.


What Are Cataracts?

Leer en Español:
Written By: Kierstan Boyd
Edited By: David Turbert
Oct. 01, 2019

Inside our eyes, we have a natural lens. The lens bends (refracts) light rays that come into the eye to help us see. The lens should be clear, like the top lens in the illustration.

Vision Problems with Cataracts

If you have a cataract, your lens has become cloudy, like the bottom lens in the illustration. It is like looking through a foggy or dusty car windshield. Things look blurry, hazy or less colorful with a cataract.

The definition of a cataract is a cloudy lens in the eye, whatever the cause may be. Here the cataract lens is compared to a natural clear lens.

The top lens is a clear, natural lens. The bottom lens shows clouding by cataract.

What Are the Symptoms of Cataracts?

Here are some vision changes you may notice if you have a cataract:

Dull or yellowed vision from cataracts.

Dull or yellow vision
from cataracts.

Blurry or dim vision from cataracts.

Blurry or dim vision is a symptom of cataracts.

Distortion or doubled images from cataracts.

Distortion or ghost images from cataracts.

See a simulation of what vision with cataract looks like.

What Causes Cataracts?

Aging is the most common cause. This is due to normal eye changes that happen starting around age 40. That is when normal proteins in the lens start to break down. This is what causes the lens to get cloudy. People over age 60 usually start to have some clouding of their lenses. However, vision problems may not happen until years later.

Other reasons you may get cataracts include:

Most age-related cataracts develop gradually. Other cataracts can develop more quickly, such as those in younger people or those in people with diabetes. Doctors cannot predict how quickly a person’s cataract will develop.

You may be able to slow down your development of cataracts.

Protecting your eyes from sunlight is the best way to do this. Wear sunglasses that screen out the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light rays. You may also wear regular eyeglasses that have a clear, anti-UV coating. Talk with your eye doctor to learn more.